Construction & engineering

With the high-performance requirements demanded of computing hardware in architecture, 3D modelling, civil engineering and construction, Stem Systems have extensive hardware and networking know-how to specify ideally-matched solutions for a variety of these environments. This ranges from multi-processor machines with high RAM capacity and certified graphics cards for everyday 3D drafting, to hardware that allows offloading of CPU-intensive tasks to suitable types of graphics card to exponentially increase performance in such specific tasks as land surface modelling and rendering.

We support networks running a variety of packages in this industry, providing hardware to run BIM and 3D modelling software such as the AutoDesk suite of AutoCAD, Civil3D, Revit, 3D Max and Inventor products, plus others such as Draftsight, RedSky and Innovyze.

These industries typically operate with large and complex storage requirements and often tiered security access to files – we can design out and document suitable systems around file servers, permissions, server replication, remote access and data backup.

The names of all listed software brands and product names are trademarks of their respective vendors.